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Sup? It's Lily!by Lily TylaSo it's finally starting to warm up outside. It's about time! I'm tired of cold nights and I want to be able to go outside again! Argh. I think this weekend I'm gonna re-dye my hair, get my belly button pierced, and buy a new shirt or something. How do you get money, Lily, if you have no job? It's a secret! Oh, it's not a secret at all. I still do that work on the side, and the pay is still amazing! Anyway, I'm up in Stiffler Hall, and if you know what the dorms are like, there's two small bedrooms in the back. I can barely fit my bed and dresser in there. So my computer and my roommate's computer are out in the living room. When we're both using them, we're pretty much seated back-to-back. He really needs a boyfriend, lol! Maybe I'll introduce him to you sometime. ![]() Art by Lintu
(Author: Sam)
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